Monday, August 30, 2010

A Completely New Reinvention... for the blog that is

So I know, I've been sporadically blogging this past month, but after doing the 365 Series, I just needed bit of a break. I thought that it was time, for a change - not only for the overall look of the blog(which will happen throughout the coming months) but also I thought it would be neat to start up a brand spanking new series for the blog. With each month, I will highlight an actor and actress, by writing about their films, their life, and how to dress or what makeup resembles their style the most. Also, I will have a mini photo gallery of the lovely Ms. and handsome Mr. so be on the look out for that. I'm going to put the upcoming stars and starlets for future months on the sidebar, in case anyone is interested. For the month of September, the actor and actress is Dirk Bogarde and Marlo Thomas. New posts for Marlo will be every Wednesday, and for Dirk every Monday. If you have any suggestions or questions, do let me know, down in the comments below. :)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Happy 100th Birthday Mae Clarke!!

The always lovely, talented, and beautiful Mae Clarke's 100th Birthday was yesterday. In honor, of her triumphant birthday, lets celebrate and watch Waterloo Bridge or The Public Enemy. She's marvelous in every film, she was in.... wasn't she?! Even when she has a grapefruit getting smashed in her face, she is still amazing! Lol! :D

Happy Birthday Miss Clarke

August 16th 1910 - April 29th 1992

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Myrna looks just so sweet to eat!

This is my birthday cake with Myrna Loy's gorgeous face on it, once again. I thought my cake from last year was pretty amazing but this cake knocks that one, out of the park. Ahhh! I'm so so so so so excited!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

This can't be right?! Am I really 21?????

Yep, today I'm the big 2-1! It's been a crazy and hectic year, but thanks to my friends and family, the year can only get better for me. Through my blog, I want to just thank all of my followers, friends, and family, for being there for me, when I needed you the most. You guys and girls, are the best!!!

Love ya!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

100 years of the Great Sylvia Sidney!

Aside from the great and wonderful Myrna Loy(as well as Jeffrey Lynn and William Prince!), Sylvia Sidney holds a special place in my heart as well. Today marks what would be her 100th birthday, so in honor of her spectacular day, go and watch one of her movies! :)

Happy Birthday Sylvia Sidney!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Sunday, August 1, 2010

365 Movies: Love Crazy Review(THE FINAL FILM)

Love Crazy stars William Powell, Myrna Loy, Jack Carson, Gail Patrick, and Florence Bates in this 1941 film. On their fourth wedding anniversary, what starts off as a nostaglic and humorous walk back into their first anniversary, nearly ends in divorce, when Stephen(Powell) is found hanging out with another woman(Patrick). Still in love with Stephen, but unable to deal with the supposed affair, Susan(Loy) decides divorce is the only option. Stephen doesn't want to let Susan go, because he knows deep down, she still loves him, and so he decides that the only way, to keep his wife, is to act a little(okay a LOT!) crazy. Susan catches on pretty quickly, that its an act, but no one else seems too, which causes more complications for Stephen in the end. This was such a perfect movie to end, the series with. It had the perfect mixture misture of humor and romance in it, with my all-time favorite on-screen couple. Loy and Powell are so magentic and charming towards each other, its often hard to notice anyone else is on the screen. There were so many moments in this movie, that I was cracking up. Delightfully goofy and fun, and it had me in stitches, the whole time.

I had felt that, I had to end the series with a Myrna Loy movie, seeing as the first film, that I watched for the series, was Manhattan Melodrama. So what began with Loy, ended with Loy. Thanks to everyone who joined in on the fun during this series. Within, the next few days, I'll be adding the good, the bad, and the ugly movies, that I've seen throughout the series and I'll also be adding my top 5 favorites as well. This has been such a fun series and I hope that, I get to do something, like this, again soon!

Thanks for tuning into the 365 Movies Series!

AUGUST 1ST 2009 - AUGUST 1ST 2010