I know I should have had this posted last Wednesday but completely forgot to do it. So four days later, here it is. I decided that I would randomly choose a comment instead of which one had the most votes would be the next post. Out of the six comments, that were posted #4 was the lucky one and DKoren, said that she would like to see sunglasses. So for DKoren and everyone else, here's some lovely sunglasses worn by some lovely ladies. Before I let you drool over the pictures, I would like to let you know that Millie has done a sunglasses post as well, which you should definitely check out. Now onto the sunglasses!

Grace Kelly

Grace Kelly

Gene Tierney

Carole Lombard

Audrey Hepburn

Barbara Stanwyck

Audrey Hepburn

Grace Kelly

Marlene Dietrich

Grace Kelly

Audrey Hepburn

Grace Kelly

Audrey Hepburn

Grace Kelly
Audrey Hepburn
Marilyn Monroe
Jacqueline Onassis Kennedy
Jacqueline Onassis Kennedy
Lana Turner
As for next Wednesday's Fashion Post, I'm going to switch to men but only center on one man for next week's post. The choices are-
- William Holden
- Don Ameche
- William Powell
- Michael Redgrave
- Joseph Cotten
- Robert Montgomery
Just like with this post, I will be randomly choosing out of the comments you send me, who the man will be. Tomorrow, I'll be posting a blog on my absolute favorite 1930's actress, Myrna Loy, so stay tuned for that!
I vote for Robert Montgomery!!!
I was thinking that the white Audrey sunglasses were my favorites and then I saw the first Jackie O picture! Love those!!!
Bob Montgomery -without a doubt!
I've never seen that shot of Carole Lombard before. Congratulations on finding that! Her sunglasses don't look very protective -the glass is so clear!
LOVE the sunglasses!
That shot of Marilyn was fabulous!
And, you know how I love Audrey with the white hat! ;-D
And Carole going skeet shooting is so cool!
I vote Robert Montgomery!
P.S. Thanks for the shoutout!
i vote for william holden!
and nothing is more classic than that audrey picture (and those sunglasses!)
Great post! Very fun.
I'd have to pick William Powell.
Man, how cool was Carole Lombard with those shades? Marvelous. :)
Vote 2 for William Powell.
Thanks for sharing these amazing pictures...only Audrey could get away with that helmet.
OK, I'm addicted to sunglasses!
That picture of Carole Lombard is divine!!! I'm just beginning to love her. Where has this picture been all my life?
There's a cute clip of Ginger playing with some sunglasses at 1:30:
She also wears them at the beginning of the skating scene in "Shall We Dance".
Maggie-- I love Ginger's glasses in Shall We Dance. So cute!
Wasn't that picture of Carole when skeet shooting?
Neat! My favorite picture is the last one, of Lana Turner.
I was going to say William Holden, cuz he's my favorite actor (melt, sigh, swoon), but I decided I'd vote for Joseph Cotten instead, just because I'd really love to see a post on him. He's intriguing in a quiet, understated way.
Really grate pictures..
Designer Sunglasses
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