The Brothers Warner is a 2008 documentary, directed by Cass Warner(Harry's Granddaughter). The documentary gives us a history into how the studio rose and because of differences between the brothers, how it tumbled. It was thoroughly interesting to watch and it was definitely intriguing to see, how it all began. I know it's kind of silly to have a favorite studio, but Warner Bros has been my favorite, for such a long time. They gave the audience a realistic look into life, unlike many other studios at that time. I am someone, who is not only fascinated by the actors and actresses of Old Hollywood but also the power houses behind the studios. Without those people, those movies we deeply cherish today wouldn't be. A great documentary that gives you a look into the studio, when it was at its best.
Review for Tomorrow: Rebel Without A Cause(A Re-Watch!)
This sounds great. I don't really know much about the studios, not as much as I'd like. But I think it's fascinating how much power and control the producers had, as opposed to nowadays, where their role seems to have shifted. Will definitely add this to my to-watch list.
Thanks for the post- definitely interested in watching!
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