Tuesday, November 5, 2013

November Recommendations

I always find myself wanting to recommend movie, books, tv shows to my friends but they seldom care , so I thought that maybe my readers would be interested in hearing about it. So heeeeerrreee we go!

Movie Recommendation: Of Mice and Men(1939) or (1992)

Both versions are brilliantly delivered and cast but if you want more of the realism from the book, then I'd definitely recommend watching the latter version. I honestly can't decide who I like more as George and Lennie because they all do soooooo well. John Malkovich and Lon Chaney Jr are at their best as Lennie and they give such heartbreaking perfomances! Both films are just absolutely superb!! Also if you haven't read the book then you need to get on that! NOW! It's one of the greatest books of all time! SERIOUSLY!!

Book Recommendation: Vivien Leigh: An Intimate Portrait written by Kendra Bean

I wasn't too familiar with Vivien Leigh aside from hearing about her marrying Laurence Olivier and the fact that she won two Oscars for Gone with the Wind and A Streetcar Named Desire but now I know a great deal more about her thanks to Kendra! Kendra shows the reader that Vivien was far more than her Oscars and her marriage to Larry. She shows the human side to one of the most talented actresses of all time. Kendra does an excellent job in writing about her idol and reading it I could understand and sympathize what Vivien went through throughout her life. What and incredible woman she was.

So there you have it! I'll be back next month for December's Recommendations but don't think I won't be blogging more this month because I've got some more ideas up my sleeve so stay tuned! Until then!


fizzycat said...

Looks a great read, nice blog too.

Jennchez said...

Kendra Beans book was amazing. As a HUGE Leigh fan since my teen years it has been great to see this amazing tribute to her.